Wednesday 29 August 2012

On the move...

soon Artistically Speaking Out Against Bullying's (ASOAB) website will be the sole source for ASOAB updates.

Please take the time to visit us at

Carleana De Kelver
Executive Director/Founder

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Artistically Speaking Out Against Bullying (ASOAB) in motion....

Just a very quick update~

I may have been away attaining new certifications and gaining to experiences but, I certainly was not idle. 

In June, I was in California where I attained my Soul Coachingr accreditation.  An amazing skill and very much in line with the work I do professionally, but more importantly with those impacted by bullying.  July, I travelled to Spain in order to take my Camino de Santiago de Compostella.  If you’re interested in learning more about my experience visit  You’re welcome to share this with others too.

While I was away, I learned ASOAB’s nomination for the Innovation Community Pillar Award did not make the finals.  While that is unfortunate news for us, the fact remains we were nominated and that is amazing.  Congratulations to the finalist and best of luck in November.

 Also, ASOAB has officially become a registered non-profit organization.  This gain will allow us to move further ahead in our plans.  We’ve had so many organizations and people interested in what we do, so this should open more doors.  The next administrative step will to apply for registered charity status; but one step at a time. 

I continue to meet with organizations that are very interested in putting the ASOAB program in their format.  It is my hope that ASOAB will soon be running a full fall program as well as several workshops over the next few months.

From a community perspective we’ve had a few personal donations come in which I’ll share more about later.  As well, I had responded to a news paper article on another child loss to suicide related to bullying, and I submitted my thoughts.  I have received positive feedback as well; it has opened some amazing new doors for us.  Hopefully you are able to open this Block Parent link as my response was included in their current issue of "The Community Focus" on page 12.

It is also my goal to have our first newsletter prepared and published by the first of September.

If you have any questions or concerns; or would like more information about ASOAB, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Artistically Speaking Out Against Bullying
Founder/Executive Director/President
"It is easier to build up a child, than it is to repair an adult.  Choose your words & actions wisely!"